What Qualifications do your Electricians have?

Our electricians have either an NVQ diploma in installing electrotechnical systems and equipment for buildings, structures and the environment or Level Two and Three diplomas in electrical installations for buildings and structures. They are [...]

What does an electrician do?

As long as you use electricity in your home or at work, chances are you have needed the services of an electrician at one time or another. Electricians are known to handle various electrical [...]

What type of electrical safety certificate should you get?

There are various types of electrical safety certificates or reports that you can consider. These are covered below. The Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR). This is the certificate that many landlords choose to go with. [...]

Which type of heater is the cheapest to run?

When homeowners begin to explore the different heating systems and fuel sources that are available, the two most common choices are electricity and gas. When comparing them using the cost of an equivalent energy [...]

What sort of light do LEDs emit?

LED lighting is different from fluorescent and incandescent lights in many ways. When functioning properly, LED light lasts longer, is more versatile and is more efficient. It produces directional light, meaning that LEDs emits [...]

What is the average cost of rewiring a house?

As a home owner, house rewiring is one of the tasks you will have to carry out if you want the electrical systems of your house to work at optimum performance. Without a doubt, [...]

How much does it cost to perform PAT testing on an item?

Portable Appliance Testing, more commonly known as PAT testing, is the series of examinations done on electrical equipment to determine if it is safe to use. PAT testing usually entails a visual test and [...]

Is it a legal requirement to do PAT testing?

While many believe that the law mandates them to test their electrical appliances every year, this is not the case. According to the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, any electrical equipment or appliance that [...]

How to avoid appliance-related mishaps as a landlord

There are certain things you can do as a landlord to ensure that the electrical appliances in your property do not lead to accidents. Make sure all your appliances are ready for a new tenancy [...]

What is PAT testing?

PAT is an acronym for Portable Appliance Testing. It is a process which involves testing all electrical appliances,which can be moved, to ensure that they can be used safely. During PAT testing, appliances like [...]